The Middleware

Reading this section is not required in order to use this package. This is simply to give a deeper look into the packages internals.

The provided middleware takes care of resolving the url's hash to an actual ShareableLink instance just like regular route model binding does. In addition, it also validates whether the link is active, expired or if the user has entered the correct password.

To register the midldeware add the following line to your app/Http/Kernel.php file.

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'shared' => \Sassnowski\LaravelShareableModel\Http\Middleware\ValidateShareableLink::class,

In your routes file you can now assign the middleware to your shared routes.

// routes/web.php

Route::group(['middleware' => 'shared', function () {
    Route::get('/shared/articles/{shareable_link}', 'SharedArticlesController@show');
    Route::get('/shared/files/{shareable_link}', 'SharedFilesController@show');

If the user now visits the egpZWPKbzmUB8aDz57ZXh58b8Jk will get resolved to the underlying SharedLink instance. Every shared link has a shareable property you can use to access the actual shared model.

How it works

Each shared model gets assigned a unique uuid . This uuid is what you see in the resulting link. The uuid is then used to query the shareable_links table for the link instance.

The middleware performs a series of checks based on the link's configuration. For instance, it checks whether the link is expired, requires a password or is inactive.

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    No results matching ""